Profile creation New SLIM

Grüezi and welcome. Let's briefly create your profile together so that you can receive suitable requests for projects or part-time jobs.

Your surname will only be displayed with the first letter on your profile (e.g. "Müller" will be displayed as "M.").
Your year of birth will not be displayed publicly and will not be shared with clients.

Your desired workload?

(multiple selection possible)
Order basis

In which areas would you like to offer your experience and skills?

Administration | HR
Architecture | Construction Planning | Real Estate
Consulting | Coaching | Mentoring
Care | Nursing | Social
Education | Languages | Culture
Chemistry | Pharma | Medicine
Purchasing | Sales | Customer service
Events | Gastronomy | Service
Finance | Fiduciary | Insurance
Craft | Garden | Transportation
IT | Telecommunications
Marketing | Communication | Graphics
Mechanical engineering | plant engineering | mechanics

In which area do you have the most experience?

You can specify further areas in a later step
Parent Category
Please select an area below.
Administration | HR
Architecture | Construction Planning | Real Estate
Consulting | Coaching | Mentoring
Care | Nursing | Social
Education | Languages | Culture
Chemistry | Pharma | Medicine
Purchasing | Sales | Customer service
Events | Gastronomy | Service
Finances | Fiduciary
Craft | Garden | Transportation
Marketing | Communication | Graphics
IT | Telecommunications
Mechanical engineering | plant engineering | mechanics

Lastly, list at least one of your most important career milestones

What are your IT skills or other further training?

e.g. SAP, Excel, SRK Diploma, CAS Management

Very important: Describe your career, skills and requirements for a new job or project in 2-3 sentences so that clients get a good impression of who you are, what you offer and what you are looking for.

e.g. Experienced accountant with expertise in taxes and annual financial statements for small and medium-sized companies.

You still have 900 characters remain.

Would you like to add a photo to your profile?

Click here to select your image.
Maximum upload size: 3MB
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