E. B.

6023 Rothenburg
Experienced teacher (40 years) in various roles, German as a second language mainly at elementary school level, also multicultural. Various creative projects at school and theater. Coaching and courses for children and parents. Interested in many things, warm, empathetic, enthusiastic, creative.
Professional experience:
Teacher / Course instructor
Elementary school of the canton of Lucerne, 1979 - 2023, Education / non-profit, Healthcare / social services
- 40 years of experience as a teacher, also as a remedial teacher, German as a second language, especially at primary level - own practice : creative healing and learning
Education, diplomas & skills:
Mental coach, training in holistic health
I am open to:
  • Jobs with a Workload from 20% to 40%
  • Projects or jobs on an order basis
  • Voluntary work

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